Compliance services

Condition for Exemption : whether Mandatory Vs Directory

Taxpayer is entitled for exemption if conditions are fulfilled Conditions can be mandatory or directory, courts have condone violation of directory conditions It is based on the effect of non compliance SC in Hari Chand Shri Gopal case led that Conditions which are a matter of substance is mandatory; & one which are mere convenience…

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10 Instances where 194R TDS on Perks for business is Applicable or Not Applicable

1. Dealers Education conference – Not Applicable as per Q8 of circular 2. Dealers targets achievement incentive / Customary gifts to business/ professional associates – applicable 3. Discounts on MRP or additional qty as freebies – Not Applicable Q4 of circular 4. Loyalty Rewards in cash (cash back)/ prepaid vouchers/ kind.- applicable 5. Insurance coverage…

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10 Pointers to Understand Capital Gain Tax on Reconstitution of Partnership Firm

1. Transfer of capital asset or stock on dissolution/reconstitution will be consider as transfer for firm and not partner who receive it 2. Reconstitution includes admission, retirement or change in profit sharing ratio 3. 9B will tax firm on difference of FMV and indexed cost of assets 4. 45(4) will tax partner on Profit =…

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Functioning of Local Committees to Deal with Taxpayers Grievances from High-Pitched Scrutiny Assessment

Recently, in the INSTRUCTION F. NO. 225/101/2021-ITA-II, DATED 23-4-2022, The CBDT provided for constitution of ‘Local Committees to deal with Taxpayers’ Grievances from High-Pitched Scrutiny Assessment’ in each Pr.CCIT region. The purpose of constitution of Local Committees is to effectively and efficiently deal with the genuine grievances of taxpayers and help in supporting an environment where…

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Budget Mania 2022 : Highlights of Important Amendments of Reopening Cases

1. Budget 2021 demands officer to enquire/give opportunity/get approval before issue of notice 2. Since 148A requires senior officers’ approval, duplication u/s 148 r.w.s 151 is withdrawn 3. Widen the scope of suggestive information to form for the officer to believe of escapement of income 4. It covers information from Risk management strategies, audit objections,…

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