
Taxability Due to Significant Economic Presence (Sep) in India

SEP covers the below-mentioned transactions E-com transaction, E-books, music, video streaming, Online app/software purchase, Online Gaming Service Troubleshooting service Subscription service The Threshold limit recently provided by CBDT for SEP Tax is Aggregate payment for transactions with a person in India exceeds INR 2 crore in a year NR interacts with 3.00 lacs or more…

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Synopsis of Supreme Court Ruling – Tax on Software Payments

Deciding taxability of the software is currently a challenge, fortunately, Supreme court gave some remarks which will be helpful to decide taxability which is summarised below Decision Engineering Analysis Test of charge ability is relevant for sec 195 DTAA definition refers to “royalty means” and therefore it is exhaustive. Income tax definition has wider coverage…

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The Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme’2020

SILENT FEATURES OF THE SCHEME FAQ is silent on the coverage of genuine delay in filing of the appeal, which is pending for condonation of whether it should be covered considering the objective of the scheme. FAQ is silent on the coverage of miscellaneous applications filed against the order of tribunal. What still remains out…

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