Common Difficulties in filing Tax Audits | Darshak Shah

September 27, 2023

Explore common challenges in tax return filing and audit with insights from Tax expert Darshak Shah

📋 Coverage of the Webinar:
✔️ Applicability Issues
✔️Case Study 1: Clause 34A & 21(b)
✔️ Case Study 2: GAAR clause 30C Demerger of a loss making company and merging it with the profit making company
✔️ Case Study 3: GAAR clause 30C
✔️ Case Study 4: GST reconciliation clause 44
✔️ Case Study 5: 115BAA disallowance v/s sec 32
✔️ Case Study 6: Capital Rights Taxability
✔️ Q&A Session

Watch webinar here